# Hello World! This is some placeholder content for the markdown rendererer. ```text This is a sample code block. If it's not pretty, something has gone wrong. ``` ## README This is a single page html template for rendering markdown text as stylised html on the client side (much like [texme](https://github.com/susam/texme)). This application was designed with the purpose of simplifying documentation and reporting features whilst maintaining a professional looking presentation document. It solves the problem of rendering markdown with a unified design, especially where users do not have any form of IDE (and for use with the html-vault). It is very simple, and other static site generation utilities will likely do a much better job of rendering markdown. Utilises the following technologies embedded as client side javascript: * markedjs (markdown rendering) * tocbot (table of contents generation) * gist.github.com/killercup/5917178 (community developed css rendering for markdown) ## todo - Editable content blocks - [html-vault](https://zacharlie.github.io/html-vault/) integration ## Usage Simply add markown content into the hidden text area in the raw html to have it rendered dynamically by the client side libraries included in the page. Use highlightjs to annotate code, e.g. ```python import antigravity import this print('Hello World!') ``` If you wish to produce a similar document more efficiently from markdown files, [pandoc](https://pandoc.org/) is a good choice. You can download the css from https://gist.github.com/killercup/5917178 and convert a markdown file to HTML directly: ```bash pandoc -f gfm --toc -c style.css -s readme.md -o readme.html --metadata title="My Document" --metadata subtitle="Detailed Description YYYYMMDD" ``` Alternatively, a pdf can be produced with LaTEX formatting as needed: ```bash pandoc -f gfm --toc -s readme.md -o readme.pdf --metadata title="My Document" --metadata subtitle="Detailed Description YYYYMMDD" ``` ## Beginning Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla eu bibendum quam. Donec quis odio a lorem dictum accumsan finibus ut orci. Cras sit amet risus ipsum. Quisque rutrum porttitor est, nec accumsan ipsum condimentum vitae. Morbi ac ultricies tellus, sed suscipit enim. Suspendisse molestie luctus orci, sed ultrices felis efficitur convallis. Nullam auctor blandit ornare. Morbi eros nulla, pretium ut efficitur non, vulputate in enim. Maecenas blandit nunc felis, vel vestibulum orci molestie eu. > "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is hard to verify their authenticity." > *~ Abraham Lincoln* ## Middle |Title|Description| |---|---| |Item One|Sample Content| |Item Two|Sample Content| ## End This is the end of the document.